Thursday, December 26, 2019

Cursing the Darkness

“It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” — William Watkinson

I have long since tired of angry social justice warriors ranting about our societal sins past and present ... by getting in my face to fix things while they sit on their skinny arses basking in their virtue.

You listening Bernie?


  1. Sounds like someone might have gotten coal in their stocking... Santa is -after all- the ultimate Progressive, giving free stuff away, giving manufacturing jobs to marginalized (short) people, using low carbon transportation, making judgments about who is naughty and who is nice. Perhaps he reads your pro-Trump ramblings and considers them "naughty."

  2. And he is an overweight smoker who eats only cookies and milk ... and wears real fur. I am surprised he is still around.
