Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Real Russian Collusion (Updated)

Why was our Ambassador Marie Yovanovich recalled by Trump the very night before the new reform Ukrainian President Zelensky was inaugurated?

Could it be that Yovanovich had been too close to the former corrupt Ukrainian President Poroshenko and seemed to be a pebble in the shoe of any future U.S.-Ukraine relations ... working against Trump and his attempt to get to the root of the previous Biden-Burisma corruption and 2016 U.S. election-meddling fraud? Could it be that Zelensky didn’t want her to attend his inauguration and that is why she was told to get on “the next plane?”

Obviously I don’t know this for sure, but such timing cannot be coincidental ... and it is revealing that, if this nexus got out, it would not be beneficial to either country.

But Zelensky clearly favors Trump over Obama ... see: Washington Exanimer Story. After all, Obama and his Ambassador Yovanovich were hostile ... and had favored the Russians ... and I surmise were colluding with them (evidence: no Obama arms assistance to the Ukraine, nor any real pushback when Russia annexed the Crimea. Also don’t forget Obama saying to Medvedev on a hot mic to tell Putin that “After my election I’ll have more flexibility” (see below). That was in 2012 ... Russia annexed Crimea in early 2014.

Like most Democrat accusations, too often, they themselves are doing what they are accusing  ...


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