Sunday, November 10, 2019

Talking Points

Michael Bloomberg is teasing a run to become the Democrat presidential candidate. Imagine that I am a talking head on cable TV and here are some points that I might make:

- Our population is aging ... as logically are our presidents. But, Michael Bloomberg entering the Democrat primary fray might bring a new first. If Bloomberg were elected president, he would be inaugurated shortly before his 79th birthday ... and most of his tenure would be while he was in his 80s.

- Bloomberg is just one more old white guy .... and a member of the Davos elite. This hardly lines up with current political winds. He has said he would roll back Trump’s tariffs ... and go back to the Obama national defeatist stance.

- Bloomberg’s entry is an act of political desperation. He and a lot of the Democrat leadership apparently believe that the current cast of candidates are all sure losers against Trump.

- Bloomberg was a reasonably good NYC mayor ... but his stop and frisk actions ... his banning of large soft drinks ... and his reversal of his term limit could cause embarrassment.

- Bloomberg has poor national name recognition ... he only has a 6% approval rating, far underwater.

- Bloomberg is a rabid gun control advocate. not sure this will play well in middle-America

- Bloomberg is a plutocrat worth $52 billion and a Wall Streeter. He like Trump is a New Yorker which, in this case, might be a negative.

- Bloomberg is also a radical on climate change ... a left of center position

- And finally, like Warren, Bloomberg is rather opaque as to what would be his foreign policy ... other than he will likely, out of spite, reverse many of Trump’s initiatives

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