Monday, November 18, 2019

Pressure Cooker

Pelosi, Limbaugh, Schiff, Hannity and, yes, Trump ... all have put woke Americans into a pressure-cooker over their diametrically opposed views of reality. Who is right? How will this impeachment melodrama end? Everybody has crafted their own last scene that would suit their sense of justice. Are both sides right? Can’t be!

If one steps outside this superheated pressure cooker, it seems that the endgame of all this turmoil will be that the side that prevails in this battle of the Titans will prevail for a long time. My money is on the Right ... if only because it’s their turn. (Maybe that is why the Left is fighting with such seeming desperation and ferocity.)

When will this steam escape-valve let go? It certainly will be before the presidential election of 2020 is in the can ... maybe sooner? It might even be with the release of the IG report on the FISA applications to spy on the Trump campaign ... combined with news of criminal indictments both from there and from the Barr investigation into the origins of the Russian collusion probe. But since AG Barr is not as media savvy as Pelosi and Schiff, I kinda doubt it. It also might await a not-guilty decision in the Senate if (when) Trump is impeached.

So, assuming Trump beats Deval Patrick next November, this might be the beginning of a long Conservative dynasty ... just like the one that the Left has had for the last ninety years.


  1. Right. The country has leaned left since Calvin Coolidge. That reveals where the “again” in MAGA resolves. So it seems that what America needs is intensely destructive wars in Europe and Asia where only America has no destruction so that America is the primary provider of global reconstruction. Like that decade after WW1 and that decade after WW2. They each spawned a surge of conservatism in response to unbridled prosperity for America

  2. All major wars in over more than the last hundred years, except Iraq, were started under Democrat presidents. Marshall Plan reconstruction of Europe was gratis. And I don’t think we benefitted from the reconstruction of Korea or Vietnam.

  3. And I think the Allies demanded reparations from Germany under the Treaty of Versailles after WWI. No?
