Saturday, November 09, 2019

Plenary Powers

The majority party in the House has “plenary powers.” This means that they can set the rules ... any rules they want ... fair or unfair. Depending upon how Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff wield these plenary powers in the upcoming Impeachment Inquiry public hearings will be the touchstone for the American public.

A perfect test of Democrat fairness will be which Republican-preferred witnesses Schiff allows to be called. And any that he disallows might (should) be allowed when this process moves to the House Judiciary Committee for an actual impeachment vote. And MUST be allowed if this process moves to the Senate for a trial.

Be careful Dems!

Afterward: Good reason that the Dems might not, in the end, vote for impeachment ... or even move this kangaroo process to the House Judiciary Committee ... hoping that Schiff can damage Trump enough in the Intelligence Committee to ruin his chances for re-election. See: Witness List Request.

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