Friday, November 29, 2019


The following groups catch in my craw (whatever that is):

- Socialists/Commies
- Gun Grabbers
- Climate Chicken Littles
- America Lasters
- “Reproductive Righters”
- Diversity Pollyannas
-Tax and Spenders
- Safe-Space Snowflakes
- Deep Staters
- Race Baiters
- Gender Benders
- Statue Iconoclasts
- The Soros Mob
- Globalists
- Interventionists
- Open-Borderites

And, amazingly, all these poltroons often are packaged together under the stolen and misused term Liberals (I could have said Democrats) ...


  1. Impressive list. My craw list is quite a bit shorter:
    -People who intentionally impede the flow of traffic to make a point.
    -People who prey on the weak
    -People who stifle free speech because they don't like the message
    -Sophists and other liars
    -Evangelists of all stripes

  2. Forever the curmudgeon ... So you like all the others?

  3. Globalism should not be thought of as liberal as long as we have military bases in 83 countries and Fortune 500 countries intent on global sourcing and marketing of products. And globalism even chafes at the United States where we might be better broken into nine nations. Even states chafe at their commonwealth. Western Mass. feels forgotten as does upstate NY and way northern California. If you keep breaking these up, you end up with thousands of happy little tribes.

  4. Globalism s more the idea that we can be taxed and governed by a commonwealth of nations ... most of which are shit holes. In the US, at least the republic structure of government keeps us from being governed by the shit hole states. In the EU, the archetype of globalism, it people are governed by unelected bureaucrats ... a piss poor opening example of globalism. The framers of our Constitution were studied geniuses.
