Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Irrational Animosity

From Diogenes’ Middle Finger blog

“Irrational animosity is not a good look.” — Anon.

There is a whole lot of hate directed at President Trump ... and, when one tries to peer behind this animus, one does not find rationality ... one finds only gut-level rancor. Asking for a list of reasons for this hatred produces: “he’s a serial liar,” “he demands loyalty above all else,”  “he is totalitarian,” “he is overweight,” “he is a racist,” “he is a bully,” and so forth ... lots and lots of ad hominems.

Most of the substantive criticisms directed at the Donald ... “he colluded with Russia,” “he attacks freedom of the press,” “he tried to bribe the Ukraine into sliming a political opponent,” etc. have not been proven or do not resonate throughout America. This, of course, drives the spittle-flecked Trump haters even more nutso.

It would seem to this observer that the more rabid becomes the haters’ hate, the more Trump supporters are annoyed by this irrational animosity and support the Orangeman even more.

The Resisters’ strategy to get rid of Trump is not working ... a circumstance they refuse to recognize. They believe if just John Bolton were to testify ... or if Zelensky were to say he felt pressured to investigate Biden ... then Trump’s support will collapse ... and our country will return to the good old ways.

Fat chance!


  1. It's not irrational to regard Trump as a terrible person and bad president. Before the election he was known as an unfaithful womanizer (and self admitted pussy grabber). As Ross Perot observed "if a man can't keep his vows to his wife, why should We trust him?" He claimed bankruptcy several times to avoid paying bills and stiffed contractors. He ran a scam called Trump University that bilked people out of millions. He promoted a fake birther conspiracy against Obama. If he did not collude in the Russia election scandal why did so many of his staff get indicted/jail for lying? These are not Ad Hominems.
    As President he has fired or thrown under the bus nearly everyone who he hired. He has awarded to his daughter and son-in-law (who cannot even get a Secret security clearance) responsibilities for which they are patently unqualified. He is so bad that the Chinese want him to be re-elected because he is such a rube as a negotiator. These may not be crimes, but they call his competence and fitness as Leader of the Free World into question.
    I realize none of these facts make a smidgen of difference to Trump's cadre of drooling zombies, but I think there are enough sensible people left to change the guard next year, (if we are not already under martial law).

  2. I cannot excuse his past transgressions ... but I also cannot deny his many accomplishments as president. His patriotic ledger is well into the black despite the Deep state’s irrational animosity ... and felonious attempts to take him down. His past commercial sins pale next to what has been visited on him by his Deep State conspirators over the last four years.

  3. Patriotic ledger? He dodged the draft, insulted real patriots like McCain and gold star parents (Kahns), pulled troops from Syria on a whim (to the delight of Russia) and sent more troops to Saudi Arabia to guard oil fields. He interferes with military justice (at his peril)
    He has made us a laughing stock worldwide. He threatens civil war if impeached. He cares not for the Constitution or you. The ones testifying last week are real patriots.

    The Last Straw:
    I went to buy some Nouveau Beaujolais today and they said they didn't get it this year. Why?
    High Tariffs! Lock him up!

  4. Your comments are longer than my blog. This suggests you are suffering acute emotional distress. This is a well-known symptom of irrational animosity. I suggest you attend a Trump rally.

    We bought a Nouveau ... you must be shopping at a Resistance store.

  5. My Fine Wine Outlet refuses to stock that Deboeuf swill. Or as they call it "Trump Kool-Aide."

    Enjoy your last Thanksgiving under a Trump regime. :-)
