Monday, November 25, 2019


‘Combustible’: Trump’s pivotal moment with Iran

US wants trade deal but won’t turn blind eye to Hong Kong, Trump national security adviser says

Republicans skeptical Pelosi will go through with it [impeachment] ...

Report: GOP Senators seek ‘Suspicious Activity Reports’ on Ukraine and Hunter Biden

Top Dem says ethics investigation into Devin Nunes likely

China attacks US at G-20 as world’s biggest source of instability

Rev. Graham says opposition to president ‘demonic’ ...

Bernie Sanders ‘disgusted’ by Bloomberg’s $31 million ad buy

Bolton claims White House blocked access to his twitter account after departure

Giuliani associate willing to testify Nunes met with a Ukrainian, attorney says

Smugglers cut truck-size hole in border wall ...

Will Hurd holds fast with Republicans on impeachment, angering left

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