Saturday, November 09, 2019


China and U.S. ‘agree to phased rollback’ of extra trade war tariffs

Stock market at record funds a new fee: ‘Elizabeth Warren is the new Wall of Worry’

Bolton to defy White House, testify

Democrats sweep into victory in both chambers of Virginia legislature

Biden picks up endorsement of a 9th black member of Congress

China says it has agreed with the US o cancel existing trade tariffs in phases

Fed pumps another $10 billion [into banking system] ...

Tulsi Gabbard: ‘We do not have a nation if we do not have borders’

Impeachment transcripts reveal a constant, damaging narrative for Trump

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pushes vote on sweeping drug pricing bill to December

Poll: 1in 4 Americans uncertain about impeachment ...

Report: GOP discussing whether to include Bidens in impeachment trial

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