Wednesday, November 20, 2019


Pompeo bends toward Israel with new U.S. Stance toward settlements

The Fed is on hold for now but it might not take much to change that

Trump discussed negative rates with unscheduled meet with Fed Chair ...

Chick-Fil-A will stop donating to Salvation Army, Christian athletes ... Cave to Alphabet people

McConnell suggests Senate impeachment trial will go into 2020

Supreme Court temporarily halts order requiring firm to turn over Trump’s tax returns to Congress

CBS: Possible pay-to-play scheme for ambassador role uncovered ...

Reuter’s poll : 36% of Independents tuning out impeachment hearings

Trump suggests that he’ll ‘strongly consider’ testifying in impeachment hearings

House Democrats are investigating whether Trump lied to special counsel Robert Mueller, reports say

Trump deportations fewer than Obama ...

Pope wants to add ‘ecological sin’ to catecism

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