Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Brutal Killings

The brutal killings of 9 Mormon women and children in northern Mexico by this country’s drug and human-trafficking cartel has caused President Trump to offer US military aid to the president of Mexico to defeat this super menace. However, another menace exists over our border in America. Hollywood swells and sports “heroes” blithely stuff cocaine up their noses ... oblivious to the cost that this is wrecking on tens of thousands of Mexicans ... and now some more Americans.

Mexico cannot defeat this scourge by themselves. They are part of the problem. I am not accusing the current Mexican government of corruption, but I can’t believe that they can long resist. A previous Mexican president was bribed with $100 million to look the other way. So, if the current administration is determined to root out corruption, they are bound soon to be corrupted.

But the villains also are our American plutocrat addicts who spend their fat salaries on their drug indulgences ... oblivious of the cost in lives ... Mexican and now American ... that their selfish indulgences are causing. They are also the ones who should be brought to justice in this evolving war. They are worse than scum. They are glitterati vermin.

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