Saturday, November 23, 2019

Another Powerline Pic

3, He has orange hair.


  1. It's coming apart. If you can't see it you're in denial. Rudy is hinting that he has "insurance" that Trump won't throw him under bus. Watch the rats start to scamper.

    The IG FISA investigation is a fat "nothing burger."
    Nunes may face impeachment/indictment himself for plotting with Rudy.

    Not one Republican is vouching for Trump's character. Not one White House player will testify to congress under oath.
    Nitey Nite.

  2. You might be right. But, if the impeachment charges don’t go to the Senate, it won’t be Trump’s doing. If they do, I can’t imagine that any additional testimony will shed any new light on these charges. But, if Roberts allows the whole story to come out, the real damage will be to Obama, his Deep State and the Biden’s ... possibly devastating stuff if I can read the tea leaves.

  3. I want the 'whole story' to come out. If the Dems did something wrong we need to know about it as well.

    I agree that the Impeachment isn't going anywhere in the Senate with the GOP afraid to break ranks. The term I am hearing is "willfull blindness," to the facts - which rings true to these ears. The wounded would-be Emperor will strut and fret his last petty hours on the stage, and then, hopefully, is heard no more. His remonstrations seen merely as a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. (Apologies to Billy S and Bill F)

  4. You say you want everything to come out, then go on to play the Red Queen, “Off with His head!”
