Monday, October 07, 2019

Tough One (Updated)

I generally agree with Trump’s policies ... however, his recent decision to abandon the Kurds in northern Syria by pulling out our trip-wire troops has me scratching my head. If this scenario plays out, Turkey will invade Syria and try to massacre our Kurdish allies and likely also release the thousands of IsIS prisoners (including many Europeans) that the Kurds are now guarding. See: BBC Story.

I realize that Trump has vowed to reduce America’s foreign involvements ... a good thing, but this recent decision seems ill-timed and probably ill-advised. I hope I’m wrong ... and Trump is not folding to that tyrant Erdogan. If Trump has reasons for this decision beyond what has been revealed, I think he needs to communicate this rational to the American people post haste.

Afterward: President Trump claims that a primary reason for pulling our troops out is that those countries from which these 10,000 ISIS prisoners cam from won’t take them back and jail them. Perhaps we should just transport them back to their countries unannounced and let the devil take the hindquarters. And then warn Turkey to keep its hands off the Kurds ... or else!


  1. Look at his twitter post. He is insane!

  2. I don’t do Twitter ... like I don’t do men.

  3. "As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!)..."
