Saturday, October 05, 2019

Tit for Tat

If Trump is impeached for turning the spotlight on possible criminal activity by Biden, a potential opposition presidential candidate, why then wouldn’t this very same Joe Biden and much of the Obama administration, including Hillary Clinton and possibly Bathhouse Barry himself, be equally culpable for concocting and pursuing criminal and even traitorous charges against their actual opposition candidate, Donald Trump, in 2016? 

And there is even a bigger irony — the charges against Trump were bogus ... and implicated foreign governments (as we learned in the Mueller Report and may find out in the Barr-Durham investigation) ... whereas the charges against Biden are clearly credible ... if only by his own braggadocios words.

Can we consequentially also impeach Biden, Hillary and Obama ... even after they are out of office? I might even take this tit for tat ...

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