Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Trump Doctrine


A country without borders is not a country

Free trade is not necessarily fair trade

The US is not the world’s police force

Nationalism over failed globalism

This country will never be socialist

America needs to be energy independent

Bring manufacturing back to the United States

We must have the world’s premier military force

Be careful who you pick for your enemies ... and for your friends

Immigration should be welcoming but selective ... aim for contributors

We must take care of our veterans

Repeal and replace Obamacare

Strong economic growth and full employment across all ethnic groups

Our cities should be clean and crime-free

Alliances should be lived up to ... by all parties

Love of country and pride in country


  1. You omitted a few...

    What's good for Trump is good for America
    Never Trumper Republicans are "human scum" - worse than Dems!
    It's OK to lie about almost everything. Truth is relative.
    Never read anything longer than a few paragraphs
    Justice shmustice! I'll decide what is right.
    Loyal staffers are like pawns. Sacrifice them wisely.
    Who you gonna believe: Me or your lying eyes?
    Win by any means, fair or foul, makes no difference.
    It's all about ME. Never forget that.

  2. A basket of ad hominem ...

  3. Everything I listed is policy. everything you list is personality. When are you Never-Trumpers going to learn the difference?

  4. Policy requires a plan. Every item on your list is a generalized, sometimes biased, vaguely defined goal. That that is propaganda, not policy.

    E.G., Repeal and replace Obamacare - a failed strategy
    This country will never be socialist = a wish.
    Love of country and pride in country - a meaningless phrase.

    and, Alliances should be lived up to ... by all parties. You mean like not tearing-up agreements, or turning your back on loyal fighters - on an uninformed whim?

  5. A true alliance must be ratified by Congress. None that
    Trump trashed were.
