Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Dilemma

The war is on! Many American companies are now faced with a fundamental dilemma ... cave to China’s censorship and restrictions on fundamental human freedoms or ... lose commercial access to China’s 1.4 billion customer. Unfortunately, many of these companies have chosen to kowtow to Xi and abandon these freedoms for pelf. I suppose that profit is so fundamental to corporate success that such decisions are understandable but not admirable.

As an example, the NBA has 25 million fan in the US, but 40 million viewers in China. What does the NBA do when the Houston Rockets GM tweets support for the Hong Kong protesters? They cave and grovel to the Chinese. Understandable but unfortunate. This defines the dilemma.

May I make a suggestion? The NBA has obviously chosen where it’s future lies ... and so its answer should be the same as any corporation so dependent on China ... which is not involved in our national security.

Move operations to China! And kiss your US customers goodbye!

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