Monday, October 14, 2019

Re: Evolution


I sometimes wish I had been a biologist ... for there are so many questions that need to be answered about life here on Earth ... and possibly elsewhere. Yes, an enormous amount of information has been learned since the double helix was unwound in 1968, but so much more needs to be discovered. This blog entry will not answer any of these questions ... I am but a neophyte ... but it will nevertheless ask some..

A while back I wrote a piece about how Darwin was losing his luster ... see: God’s Darwin. Dear reader, please go to this blog entry and watch the video so that you might understand what I am trying to get to in this posting.

I somehow can’t buy Divine Intervention or even Musk’s supposition that we are living in a simulation created in a gigantic future quantum computer. Over the 4.6 billion years that the earth has been around natural forces have created our history and our present. We just need to discover how this occurred. And I’m convinced we will. It may take a few hundred years ... but I am certain we will come close.

Before we start, I suggest that you readers also spend a few hours filling in your knowledge base on evolution ... see: Waikato Lesson and DNA Facts ...


Now that your are an semi-expert, here are some questions that I have about how this all came about:

- Before the Earth had its thicker ozone layer to protect more fully organisms against cosmic rays, did this stronger radiation cause faster and more dramatic mutations?

- The origin of life is often assumed to be a singular event in a primordial soup sometime in the far distant past ... maybe even coming in on space dust. Have there been multiples of this event creating a panoply of primary life forms based upon different chemistries and different genetic structures ... most of which did not prevail? And are new primordial live forms still being created to this day?

- If this is true, then it seems possible that these multiple life-form starts are now distinguished by taxonomy’s higher-order classifications — domains, kingdoms and maybe even phylums? And, if this is the case, maybe something like Darwin’s natural-selection theories can take over from there?


  1. Hold on, Professor! Some whackado school in New Zealand is foisting that earth evolved over billions-of-years, while so many evangelists have God’s testimony that it is only 5000 YEARS old, and you are all in. All these “scientists” wasting time and money on these unsettled natural phenomena. It’s a hoax.

  2. I once asked if we will understand everything about our existence before we become toast when the sun expands into a red giant is a billion years? It would be nice ...
