Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Impeachment Inquiry Resolution

On Thursday Nancy Pelosi has indicated she will hold an “Impeachment Inquiry Resolution” vote. Some people are confused whether this vote will sanction an impeachment inquiry wherein Republicans can call witnesses, have White House Counsel present for friendly witnesses and cross examine, in public, the witnesses that the Democrats bring forward.

Come-on ... you know this woman better than that! Already some naive commentators are calling this an impeachment inquiry vote. Will she allow such a vote in which Democrat House members who were recently elected from Red districts will have to go on record dissing our president? I sincerely doubt it. Nor do I believe this will morph into a truly fair process.

I think that this Thursday Pelosi resolution will read something like this:

“Fair Process Resolution”
“Are you in favor of  starting a fair process that might lead to an impeachment inquiry ... such process maintaining the current Adam Schiff process rules ... but might allow some witnesses being called in public at the discretion of Chairman Schiff ... and with the policies and procedures he deems appropriate. A ‘present’ vote on this motion should not be considered to be an official endorsement of an impeachment inquiry process.”

Such is pissant politics ...

Afterward: Here is more detail on this matter: NBC News Story. be careful, it is from fake news ... and here is the actual Resolution Text. Read this resolution. I was close. If you think this is giving Trump due process, you must be denser than AOC.

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