Tuesday, October 29, 2019


ISIS leader killed in daring U.S. raid in Syria, Trump says

Trump confirms ISIS Baghdadi is dead after US raid in Syria — ‘He died like a coward’

No U.S. troops killed ... Pelosi, Congress not told over leak fears ...

Trump: [Baghdadi] ‘Died whimpering, crying, screaming’

Brussels fears accidental Brexit crash-out

Trump wants to make a deal with Exxon and others to tap Syrian oil: ‘We should be able to take some’

New York magazine: Biden — least formidable front-runner ever ...

Media Meltdown ... Clapper: Region now *more* dangerous ...

Ousted Republicans plot rematches with Trump back on the ballot

Trump told Mattis to screw Amazon out of $10 billion cloud contract

41% of the world’s people are under 24. And they’re angry ...

British police foil 24 terror plots since 2017

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