Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Headline Grabbers

In assembling the daily headlines for this blog, I have noticed something — more and more people will do or say outrageous things just to have their name in these headlines ... the bigger the type face the better. Thus shocking things are meant to keep their names in the news for this brings speaking-fee pelf, cable-news gigs and ego gratification. Matters not whether these headline grabbers make any sense ... as long as they are magnifying angst. Profanity helps this cause ... and, of course, so does some pronouncement about Trump’s denouement.

In times past one had to wait for the early editions for these grandstanders to get their jollies. Now social media and internet news sites have provided almost instant gratification to them ... perhaps the reason for their proliferation in numbers and outrage. So, kind readers, say goodbye forever to that sleepy pace of communication we once enjoyed. From now on life will be one big media Schiff storm.

1 comment:

  1. Rudy G is way out there. He should write what he wants to say, get sober, self-edit, and only then publish.
