Saturday, October 19, 2019

Assault Rifles

Watch out! Beto O’Rourke is coming for your “weapons of war!” If lightning struck and Beto prevailed, what might this mean in the over-all homicide rates. To find out, let’s go to the numbers:

2018 FBI Murder Statistics (see: Statista Site):
Handguns: 6,603
Firearms not stated: 2,063
Knives or cutting instruments: 1,515
Other weapons or weapons not stated: 900   [including poisons?]
Personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.): 672
Blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.): 443
Rifles: 297
Shotguns: 235
Other guns: 167

And in 2016: 39 murders out of 11,961 were committed by AR-15s, AK-47s and like weapons (0.3%)... see: Extranosalley Site.

Perhaps these type of statictics are why the last “assault weapons ban” in the 1990’s was not renewed. If the Congress really wants to reduce firearm murders, they would need to eliminate all guns. And, to do this, it would need to repeal the Second Amendment. Good luck with that!

It seems to me, kind reader, that just outlawing these “weapons of war” again would not be, in the grand scheme of things, very influential on these murder statistics ... even mass shootings ... and could be likened to pissing up a rope.

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