Tuesday, October 08, 2019


I found our previous president to be seriously unqualified for his job ... even with his extensive posse. As proof of this conclusion, I can only point to all the corrective actions that Trump has had to take since assuming office. Ergo, I clearly disliked Obama ... not because of his race, personality or sexual preferences ... but because of his backward and naive politics. But I didn’t HATE him.

Fast forward three years. Now, there is a substantial group inside the government (the Deep State) and the media who clearly HATE Trump ... no, not just hate, they despise him. This white-hot hate is mostly directed at our president because of his sand-paper personality. Many of his policies are often reluctantly and silently agreed to by the Left. But, this doesn’t bank the fire. (General Patton was not liked by many ... but he was a very effective warrior.)

Most of Trump’s domestic decisions have be winners ... even his immigration policies are beginning to bite ... even with severe push-back from Democrats. Certainly the Trump economy is on track despite the penalty being paid by his trade war. His foreign policy is still a work-in-progress ... hamstrung by the Democrats winning the House in 2018. Clearly the Democrat insurrection there has caused foreign leaders like Xi and Kim to try to wait Trump out ... hoping that more favorable opponents will be occupying the White House in 2021.

Such extreme hate is corrosive. It destroys the hater much more than the object of this hate. In fact, one could argue that this extreme resistance is motivating Trump. He seems to enjoy tweaking the haters which only makes them hate him more. Never in my life time have I witnessed more disloyalty on the part of those inside a president’s administration. Even people that I admire, like General Mattis, believe that their world view is superior to DJT’s ... even though this cuts across the tenets of his military training.

Next time you hear a left-wing diatribe singling out Trump, listen carefully to the motivation of this hatred ... invariably it will include at least one ad hominem ... proof that logic has disappeared  into the jaws of animus personified.

Afterward: I just realized that I forgot to use the term “spittle flecked.”


  1. "ad hominem ..." as in "Pocahontas" "Bathhouse Barry" "Botox Nancy" "Pencil Neck" "Lidell'"
    "...proof that logic has disappeared..."

    I Couldn't agree with you more.

  2. Still don’t understand ...
