Friday, September 13, 2019

Word Salads

Vegetarians must have loved the Democrat debate last night ... it was nothing but a bunch of word salads ... and Biden's lettuce was a little wilted. All the front-runner candidates offered panel-tested and over-rehearsed answers that seldom matched the questions asked. 

The other missing ingredient was genuineness ... and this is the Achilles heel of the once-party of Jefferson and Jackson. These bozos cannot win the presidency by being a bunch of Chatty Cathy robots.

The degree of melodramatic arm-waving, spittle-flecked mendacity, pathetic pandering, silly zingers and desperate demagoguery was mostly universal and sadly, quite disappointing. 

Again, word salads were the entire menu of the evening. Joe Biden got the mercy vote and survived  only because he was the least emotive and obnoxious ... but not by much.

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