Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Name Game

Ever since Bill Clinton won the presidency over George H.W. Bush, the candidates with the fewer letters in their last name generally have won at the polls — Bush over Gore (tie), Bush over Kerry, Obama over McCain, Obama over Romney and, finally, Trump over Clinton.

Before that ... there were a few modern exceptions to this rule ... Carter over Ford, Eisenhower over Stevenson, Kennedy over Nixon and Raegan over Carter ... all of which can be explained away due to extenuating circumstances.

If this loopy trend holds, the only Democrat who has a chance against a Trump second term is (promising $1,000 per month per US resident) Yang ... while Biden ties. All the other possible Dem opponents ... Warren, Buttigieg, Harris, Sanders, Booker, Klobuchar, O’Rourke and Castro would suck wind.

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