Thursday, September 26, 2019

Ice Age

Source: daily timewaster blog

Get your fur coats people ... it looks like we may be in for some pretty cool times ... and I don’t mean “hip.” And for you climate zealots whose time horizon is measured in the next weather forecast, it might be good to step back and take a longer view of things ... you too, Greta Thunberg?


  1. Yes, right on, professor. (Everyone knows Greta T. is the real problem.) Pay no attention to those melting icebergs, folks. It's only temporary. That coral will grow back in just a few thousand generations.

  2. Ignore your common sense. Listen to the scientist’s projections which have been wrong 41 times straight.

  3. Common sense is to ask: What about them melting glaciers? Seal/shark migrations? Weather extremes? And, What do climate deniers have in common? (Hint: follow the fossil fuel money trail)

  4. I have received nary a penny from Exxon. All we deniers actually want is one single CO2-caused warming prediction that has measurably come true.
