Wednesday, September 04, 2019


Iran admits its rocket blew up

Hurricane Dorian ‘nearly stationary’ as it pounds northern Bahamas

DeSantis: [Dorian] ‘perilously close’ to FL ...

Exclusive — Devin Nunes: ‘Evidence is there’ for U.S. Attorney to file criminal conspiracy charges against James Comey

Boris Johnson says he won’t ask for a Brexit extension

China lodges a tariff case against the US at the WTO

Texas killer called police before mass shooting began ... Was fired from job ...

Devin Nunes warns Americans against ‘tech oligarhs’ censorship

London mayor mocks Trump for dealing with the hurricane ‘out on the golf course’

Britain prepares for showdown as opposition lawmakers try to stop no-deal Brexit

Trump Labor Day Rasmussen [poll]: 45% ...

Comey: Trump too narcissistic to focus on mass shootings, hurricanes

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