Saturday, September 21, 2019


‘Of course I did’ Giuliani acknowledges asking Ukraine to investigate Biden

Light shows and live bands: China wants to boost its nightlife to spur its evonomy

More Fed pumping in cash crunch ...

Pentagon: Border wall going up about one mile per day

France’s Macron risks big trouble with ‘Big Bang’ reform

Warren presidency frightens investors at conference: ‘She’s not my candidate of choice’

Warren rising ... Her nomination to lose?

Tulsi Gabbard fundraiser off ‘Saudi Arabia’s bitch’ remark

Buttigieg rips Warren over ‘evasive’ answers on health reform

Facebook’s Zuckerberg met with President Trump at the White House

Trudeau leaves open possibility of more blackface photos ... Canada horrified ...

Hispanic groups side with Trump on immigration: ‘I believe n the wall’

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