Tuesday, October 01, 2019

All In

Now that Nancy Pelosi has been buffaloed by Pencil Neck Schiff into opening an impeachment inquiry, the Democrats have pushed all their chips into the center of the table ... betting that they can either impeach and convict Trump ... or so damage him that he will lose in 2020. Pelosi has even indicated that it would  be worth losing the House of Representatives if this means Trump is no longer in the White House. Not a good idea ...

Now, in mathematics, there have been extensive studies on how to win such games ... centering around which strategy offers the best payoff. I won’t take you kind readers into the technical weeds here, but suffice it to say that, by far, the best decision rule is “minimax” meaning minimizing your potential maximum loss ... which is exactly the opposite of what the Dems are now doing.

Yes, it is possible that this all-in bet on the Trump impeachment might just fool the American people and Trump might be deposed. But, if this next sure-fire tactic, the Ukrainian Connection, fails like the Russian Collusion, the Stormy Daniels Payoff, the Government Shutdown, the Emoluments Violation, etc., etc., then the Democrats may well suffer what Pelosi most worries about.

If this Ukrainian balloon deflates ... as it most probably will ... then the Botox lady’s dire prediction may well be prescient ... and the Democrats will spend the next twenty years in the wilderness ... repenting their evil ways and wishing that they had some chips left.


  1. So it is not at all clear that the Impeachment Inquiry represents an "all-in" bet, nor is the specter of losing the House the evident price of non-impeachment. Everyone knows that there will never be a conviction while McConnell and the GOP gang run the Senate. Biden has certainly been hurt by the optics of Ukraine, but Trump has been gut-shot by his own words and actions. Your list of "failed" scandals only failed in the minds of the anti-liberal establishment (the shallow state?) Nothing Trump does will convince the deplorables to abandon him, but thankfully the majority sensible opposition will show-up on election day.
    The proliferation of "Any Functioning Adult in 2020" bumper stickers and signs is one indication of the rampant displeasure with Trump's behavior in office. It is mystifying that the Base continues to ignore Trump's obvious contempt for decency and The Constitution.

  2. I think you just definitely placed yourself in the liberal column.

    The Dem strategy is to try to make the impeachment inquiry into the conviction since they control the witness list in the House ... but not in the Senate. Thus, they will never actually impeach since that would give the Republicans the ability to call witnesses in the Senate trial. Could be quite embarrassing.

    See if I’m right.

  3. Does having a Liberal bias mean that you can't be "fair and balanced?"

    I watched the Trump presser today, with the Finnish President and I am of the opinion that this guy is batshit crazy. Not one thing that he said was worthy of the office of President. The Finnish guy couldn't wait for it to be over. As was I.

    Nothing, nothing could be more embarrassing than Donald Trump's tweets and statements.

  4. Having a liberal bias must also mean you know what is going on in people’s minds. I think that DJT is the real deal as opposed to 99% of Washington pols. And that is the basis of his popularity. It looks to me that he may go on to be one of the greats.

  5. I am constantly amazed at the total loyalty DJT’s zealots have for him. Way back when he said he could shoot someone in Times Square, he seemed outrageous. Even though he has more handshake deals, belly rubbing, and tearing down of existing rules than substantial new, better policy and international agreements, he does not seem to have erosion in his base. Is there anyone - dead or alive - who has such unwavering support?

  6. That is very true. Trump admires Andrew Jackson. DJT has his picture hanging in his office. It is a bromance. Both men are ignorant and destructive but praised as strong supporters of the Union. Jackson was intensely racist as a slaveholder and the instigator of the "trail of tears" forced relocation of Native Americans. Maybe MAGA wants to reset the calendar to 1832.

  7. But, but Jackson was an august Democrat ...

  8. Political parties shift over the years. So do affiliations. Trump was registered as a Democrat in 2001. The continual praise/castigation of Republican/Democrat, liberal/conservative, and other partisan memes is constrictive. You do not need to describe things you do not like as “liberal”. For example, climate change is not “liberal hokum”, it is “hokum”. Frankly, saving the planet and its resources really is conservative. When did the nature of “conservative” come to mean unbalanced budgets, uncontrolled guns, control over women’s bodies, huge military, and less environmental control?

  9. To me it is more than clear that it is those on the left who want to control my life ... more than those on the right.

  10. It seems to me that moderate Lefties are reacting to Conservative attempts to control your life:
    You do not have the right to choose who you marry or when you give birth. You get no protection from the excesses of corporations. You cannot engage in free trade with other regimes. You are not entitled to health care. Rich guys call the shots. If you weren't born lucky, smart or good looking, tough luck. Too bad your job was taken over by robots - it's best for profits. (Let's blame China).

    Here is an over-reaction: NYC now bans use of term "Illegal Immigrant" or threats to call ICE.
    Clearly, this violates the First Amendment and will not fly. But it shows how crazed zealots can get when they *know* they are right.

  11. I have been looking and I can’t find a moderate lefty in politics anymore ... except possibly a few RINOs ...
