Monday, August 19, 2019

Tower of Babel

Below is a list of some 55 programming languages ... some compiled, some interpreted ...... many implemented in various forms on multiple computers ... and each designed to a specific end. This is just a scratching on the surface of all the possible ways of making a computer perform useful things using English. Don’t forget other programmers in other languages must also bring these electronic monsters to heel.

Of these numbers below, COBOL is probable the most used in commerce ... but other newer languages; C++, HTML are likely catching up. I myself was involved in developing MUSE, a natural language designed for data analysis ... alas, now on ice ... like many others. Anyhow, here are just a few of the litany of our computer communication means:

FORTRAN, COBOL, Assembly Language, JCL, Pascal, Snobol, Algol, Basic, Java, VBScript, PL-1, Ada, C, C++, HTML, MUSE, Java Sicript, C#, PHP, R, Sequel, SQL, Python, Swift, Ruby, Io, Objective-C, Lisp, Ruby, Spin, REXX, MUMPS, APL, Forth, Bliss, Haskell, Opal, CLEO, Dibol, Jovial,Visual Basic, HyperTalk, Occam, RPG, AppleScript, SGML, Janus, Leda, Prolog, Joule, SALSA, Lava, MOO, Pliant

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