Sunday, August 04, 2019

The Greater Evil

The recent Walmart shooter is another evil monster ... and it appears he was inspired to his evil act by the wave of illegal immigrants streaming across our southern border (why he chose El Paso, Texas). And President Trump is fighting to stop this same invasion of (mostly) Hispanics. Therefore, using knee-jerk logic, President Trump is responsible for the grisly death of many innocent back-to-school shoppers yesterday ... no matter what their ethnic background.

This is the media narrative that a great many Americans ... and probably all the Democrat candidates for president will adopt to bludgeon Trump into supporting some form of additional controls on guns in America. (Not something that the shooter had apparently thought a lot about.)

These calls for greater gun control ... even mass gun confiscations ... are already echoing across the land. I’m sure soon most gun grabbers will be shouting and arm waving about the evils of the Second Amendment and, many of them, calling for its repeal. That’s what happened in New Zealand recently ... and it worked. Now, owning a civilian gun in Kiwi country is a crime.

Yes, I know that 20 died and 26 were injured in this current massacre. And that this was the second mass shooting this week (at the Garlic Festival in Gilroy, CA) where 3 died and 15 were wounded. And in both incidents, the nut-job shooters used semi-automatic rifles that had been acquired under current gun regulations. Therefore, we need more regulations ... even mass gun confiscations. Bad idea.

I don’t know why these mostly young men decide that killing lots of people is fun sport. I don’t think anyone really does. But I do know that, like all such evil madness (remember the Wild West?), things will eventually return to sanity ... at which point, if we have chosen the New Zealand solution, we will have performed an evil act that dwarfs what we have recently witnessed. Killing the Second Amendment ... or even crippling it ... will make our nation vulnerable to horrors unimagined. And, assuredly, they will eventually come galloping in  ... on stallions of oppressive malevolence.

Dear reader, I guess I will never understand how liberals can say that such a totalitarian situation will never happen here ... yet then avow that Trump is a crypto-Nazi ... I scratch my head ...


  1. Hand grenades, flame throwers, fully automatic machine guns, and bazookas are illegal for citizens. The second amendment did not collapse. Don't be so binary. Making it really hard for people to get large clips and rapid fire guns that are suitable only for killing people is not going to shred the Second Amendment.

  2. I know that two wrongs don’t make a right ... but Obama did go through 8 years without ever acknowledging domestic radical Islamic terrorists. I don’t recall the “shoot them” incident, but inaction at that point is hardly a reason for his resignation. If he laughed though, that was wrong.

    You clearly think he is a crypto-Nazi, so don’t we need the 2nd Amendment now more than ever when he refuses to leave office in 2021 or 2025?

  3. I looked up the video. Although it was unclear, I assume the shout was”shoot ‘em” (meaning illegals). Trump responded with a “Ha” then made a joke “only in the panhandle” meaning the Florida panhandle (rally was in Florida and, I also assume he meant the Florida panhandle ... where Joe Scarborough is from ... is known for being very militant. In other words, to me, Trump tried to defuse this comment by making light of it. I realize you will differ.

  4. In response to Chillfin ... Elon Musk is allowed to develop and sell a flamethrower.
