Monday, August 05, 2019


Since the Democrat candidates have sullied former President Obama in their recent debate, I guess it’s now OK to join the fray. It's only been 31 months since the worst president of our lifetime has left office into hyper-wealth ... and the outline of his legacy is beginning to be written by historians ... and far-left Dems. Let me help them with my thoughts of his, can I use the word, obamanations? Here are a few of my cringe-worthy recollections:

- A fake $831 billion “stimulus” package ... no real “shovel-ready jobs”

- Obamacare ... in all its gory

- The Iran nuclear deal which gave it hundreds of billion dollars in which to sponsor terrorism in the Middle East, cooperate with North Korea in its drive toward an atomic Armageddon, and still pursue its own nuclear/missile ambitions.

- Inviting the Muslim Brotherhood to the White House multiple times ... the MB is a Muslim terrorist organization

- Conveniently ignoring China’s unfair trade practices ... and pushing the TPP

- An eight -year neglect of our anti-missile technology development ... leaving us seriously unprepared for Kim Jong Un's madness.

- Allowing US manufacturing to die a slow death — no “magic wand”

- The exchange of five highest-level Taliban commanders for that Army deserted, Bowe Bergdahl

- The Paris Climate Accord in which the US carried almost the entire responsibility

- Continually demeaning the US and our potential

- Sham "surge" in Afghanistan for political purposes. It did nothing ... mainly because of inane rules of engagement.

- Refusing to recognize domestic radical Islamic terrorism

- The hollowing out of our armed forces.

- Treating ISIS as the JV team ... using more inane rules of military engagement.

- Weaponizing US intelligence agencies against the Trump team

- The commuting of Chelsea Manning's 35-year sentence for treason.

- His opening to Cuba ... for which we got damaged diplomats and more problems with Venezuela.

- The paying of at least $1.6 billion in cash to Iran for two hostages

- And a whole lot more ...

Now no president can accumulate this many screw-ups without some winners. Unfortunately I can't recall any.


  1. Digging our economy out of the deep hole made by the brilliant George Dubya gang. Got the American automobile industry out of collapse.

  2. If Bush 43 caused the sub-prime mortgage crisis, I discovered DNA. But I do believe he didn’t do enough early on to head it off.

  3. There is only a subtle difference between “causing” and “not preventing”

  4. No, no ... sin of commission vs. sin of omission. The Catholic Church draws a big difference ... and so do I. But GWB is still stained in my book. Not however like Barney Frank, Bill Clinton, Chris Dodd and many Wall Street plutocrats ... but he should have stopped that madness by 2004 at the latest.

  5. That is the subtle difference. Dubya had the authority and the bully pulpit to act decisively. While everyone could see that the no-qualification loans and the packaging of third rate tranches into AAA investment vehicles was criminal junk, Dubya was apparently reading “My pet goat” and staring blankly at nothing in particular. Was that omission or willful commission of sinking the economy?

  6. The few squeaks that he made were beaten back by dire threats from Barney Frank ...
