Thursday, August 08, 2019

Mind Readers

Increasingly ... particularly on “Morning Joe” ... liberal TV pundits play psychics ... surmising with grave authority and absolute certainty what Trump really meant by some utterance or gesture  ... or what he was surely thinking about a particular event. They will assemble remote Trump utterances into a montage of nonsense to support this pap ... all said with the seriousness of a shaming parent. Quite a talent!

And the Trump haters ... or, like myself, the pundit mockers ... find this all very entertaining ... intrigued as to how much further such faux insight/madness can go. When the world finally does return to normalcy, there is going to be miles of video footage that these pontificating mind readers are going to have to live down or destroy.


  1. Kelly Ann said: “You can't give him the benefit of the doubt on this, and he's telling you what was in his heart? You always want to go by what’s come out of his mouth rather than look at what’s in his heart.” So the pundits guess what is in his heart/gut/brain instead of evaluating what he says. We would rather assume that what is said by a world leader is what is meant. We do make exceptions for criminals and children.

  2. I wish I had a buck for every tine someone said Trump is a racist, a misogynist, a white supremacist, a homophobe, Hitler, a child killer, anti-Semitic, a would-be dictator, a Nazi on on and on. Is this not assuming who he is ... and don’t give me that Charlottesville lie. Any fair person would agree that every one on both sides was not actually evil. ANTIFA attracted some naive college students ... and some on the other side just wanted R. E. Lee to still be honored ... and weren’t “caring torches.” The left took his innocent, even uniting words and told us what was in his heart and mind. My point exactly. This sliming of Trump actually was deplorable ... and racist to boot.
