Saturday, August 17, 2019

Media Cabal

A recently revealed New York Times editorial “town hall” meeting dealt with the Gray Lady’s strategy to defeat Trump next year. The gist of this confab was, now that the Russian collusion hit on Trump has failed, the new tact was to paint our president as a RACIST ... see: Slate Story.

This strategy has already been evident in the NYT and much of the rest of the lefty media ... even to the point of abandoning the term RACIST as becoming over-used ... and moving on to the more damning pejorative WHITE SUPREMACIST. This obviously is designed to cut into Trump’s growing popularity with black and Hispanic voters.

I suppose that it is not surprising that the NYT has chosen sides in this political battle. But I am a little taken aback at such open editorial direction for its reporting ... and the implicit coordination with other media outlets.

Trump has survived the Russian collusion cabal between the media and Deep State. Will he survive this one?

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