Thursday, August 08, 2019


A clear tactic of the left is to intimidate its opponents. Joaquin Castro, twin brother to Texas Rep. Julian Castro who is a  Democrat presidential candidate, has put out a hit list of Republican donors (called doxxing) to try to get them punished by their employers, friends or neighbors. Kind of a low-life thing to do IMHO ... and not something seen (yet?) on the right. Also the left has organized flash mobs to loudly protest outside the homes of Mitch McConnell, Tucker Carlson, Brett Kavanaugh, etc. to intimidate them into submission. Thankfully, it didn’t work.

But the Castro boys and other menacers are not alone. Intimidation from the left is a popular political pastime. What was the Mueller investigation but an attempt to throttle the Trump team from fixing the carnage that Obama left in his wake? The masked ANTIFA is organized to intimidate, physically intimidate. Biden threatens to take Trump behind the barn. While Kathy Griffen cuts of his virtual head. The spittle-flecked rhetoric of the Democrat talking heads — RACIST, NAZI, WHITE SUPREMACIST, etc. — is designed to cower their opposition ... a tactic that they learned from Trump, but have escalated it to the moon and beyond ... no slackers they.

So Trump has helped create a monster ... a monster that is now out to devourer him. Will it succeed? Or will it devour them? We’ll see what happens.

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