Monday, August 26, 2019

Designer DNA

Recently, this blog highlighted the conflict between Darwinism and Intelligent Design ... neither of which satisfactorily explain how we have had and now enjoy the wide variety of very complex species here on Earth ... see: God’s Darwin. In that entry, I said I thought that “Punctuated Equilibrium” was close to what I thought explained things ... bursts of evolution driven by environmental changes.

Let me go even further than this brief explanation. I surmise that somehow DNA has its own designer logic ... like, “Gee, with all these trees, wouldn’t it be nice to have a prehensile tail? So let’s get on it you other DNA (or RNA) sequences!” I won’t try to justify such heresy mathematically ... but I do suspect that such microscopic “intelligence” could bring such evolutionary calculations within the bounds of plausibility.

Is this Punctuated Equilibrium controlled by a “Designer DNA sequence” shared by all living things? I would like not just to speculate so ... but, obviously, to know so. ‘Twould explain a lot.

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