Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Trump signals ‘second thoughts’ on escalating his trade war with China

White House says Trump regrets not raising tariffs on China higher

Drone war takes flight ... Israel battles Iran action over Beirut

AOC: Electoral College is ‘affirmative action’ for rural America

Lindsey Graham warns Trump not to pull U.S. forces out of Afghanistan

Kudlow does not expect China to retaliate against Trump’s latest tariffs, despite Beijing’s warning

Cities saying ‘No’ to 5-G, citing health, aesthetics, FCC bullying ... Carcinogenic?

2020 Senate Dems shy away from ‘Medicare for All’

Trump: ‘Chosen one’ remark was sarcasm

Trump hints at ‘very big trade deal’ with Britain post Brexit

Cory Booker: Car drivers are licensed, gun owners should be too

Iran foreign minister makes surprise visit [to G-7] ...

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