Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Barr says: ‘There will be accountability’ in Epstein case

Wall Street sees even more rate cuts ahead with Morgan Stanley predicting a return to zero

Trump administration weakens protections for endangered species ...

Chinese media: Epstein’s death proves U.S. pampers rich criminals

Flights out of Hong Kong International Airport canceled as anti-government protesters occupy terminal building

Cramer: Hong Kong protests more serious than US-China trade war for global markets

[Epstein] Kept detailed diaries which could haunt powerful friends ...

Another gaffe: Biden claims he was Vice President after Parkland

Scaramucci: Trump’s ‘gone off the rails’

Bank of America raises chances of a recession to 1 in 3 over the next 12 months

USA budget gap widens 27% ...

Trump enacts ban on welfare-dependent legal immigration

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