Friday, August 23, 2019

God’s Darwin

Or Darwin’s God. David Gelernter, Yale computer science professor ... who was once targeted by the Unabomber ... has upset the evolutionary applecart by questioning Darwin’s explanation of how the many species, that we find here on Earth, came about ... basically being mathematically impossible.

Which, of course, introduces the idea of intelligent design ... which then borders us on the idea of God ... or, as Elon Musk prefers,  a giant computer simulation sometime in the future creating our current reality. Anyhow, if you are interested in this subject, watch the discussion held by the Hoover Institute between Gelernter and Stephen Meyer, a believer in intelligent design. There is a third participant, a philosopher, who seems a poser NO-OP. Anyhow, watch it ... it will get your gray matter juices flowing: Understanding Intelligent Design ... Kinda.

Afterward: Not covered in this discussion and what I am inclined to believe is something called “punctuated equilibrium” ... wherein rapid evolutionary changes take place in animals based upon the details of environmental pressures.

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