Friday, August 02, 2019

Boiling the Ocean

It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. — Confucius

There seems to be legions of sanctimonious martinets who believe that they can cure the Earth of all the ills that we vandals are forcing upon the innocents. We are killing porpoises by eating a tuna fish sandwich and befouling our seas by drinking our soda with a plastic straw.

These many social justice warriors fight with placards and bullhorns to save the spotted owl, the snail darter, allow fluid gender men to use ladies rooms, ban Big Gulps, stop global warming, fight for free speech (oops, that’s an obsolete one), stop illegal alien babies from being RIPPED from their mothers’ arms, allow transgender high school boys to wrestle in girls’ tournaments, castigate “white supremacists,” get rid of the Electoral College and on and on and on. There is no end to the things that Rosie O’Donnell, Barbara Streisand and Joy(less) Bahar clamor that we must remedy TODAY! (Why so many women social justice warriors?)

Bottom line: It would seem that the energy expended by all these combatants to force the rest of us to do mostly silly things might be better spent performing just one or two small acts that repair something meaningful ... like how poorly educated many of our children are. Maybe each should begin by inspiring just one recalcitrant child into a respect for knowledge.

If everyone who wants to boil the ocean would just make a cup of hot tea for a thirsty elder, we would be far better off ... with far less angst ... and far fewer blasting megaphones.

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