Monday, July 15, 2019

Magic 8 Ball

Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller has had his testimony in front of two House committees put off one week until July 24th ... see: The Hill Story. This is just two days before Congress leaves for its six week summer vacation. Now Mueller has previously indicated he will not answer any questions outside the bounds of his report ... which of course Republicans on these committees will not be bound by. They are sure to ask dozens of questions that will be embarrassing to Mueller ... and which he will either not answer or try to dodge.

Therefore these hearings for Mueller will be like to trip to the root-canal dentist without Novocain. Two days before Congress’ summer recess means that any further delays might be permanent. Which is therefore my prediction — Mueller will never sit down to be so questioned in public by Congress ... and most certainly embarrass himself as his swan song from public life.

Magic 8 Ball says: ‘The fix is in’

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