Wednesday, July 17, 2019


North Korea suggests it might lift weapons test moritorium

Mnuchin: US has ‘very serious concerns’ that Facebook’s Libra could be misused by terrorists

Black homeownership drops to all-time low ...

Trump triples down at press conference, hammers #TheSquad: ‘These are people who hate this country’

Pro-Booker super-PAC raises $1,1 million in first half of 2019

Trump weighs ousting Commerce chief Wilbur Ross after census defeat

EU’s GPS satellites down for days under mysterious outage ... Cyber attack?

Pol: Megan Rapinoe beats Trump in hypothetical presidential race

Poll: Nearly two-thirds of Americans oppose DC. statehood

Jeffery Epstein willing to post $100 million bail — ‘He’s a scary person,’ accuser says

Thiel: Investigate Google for treason! Aiding Chinese military ... Spies infiltrated?

Report: ICE attempts raids in New York City, no arrests made

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