Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Trump tells Democrat Congresswomen: Go back where you came from

The Fed could be about to disappoint the market, warns Wells Fargo Securities

Pelosi emerges as unexpected villain at Netroots ...

Amnesty architect declares victory with green card giveaway

Republicans ready to dive off a cliff on Obamacare

Biden, Sanders and Warren lead Trump in 2020 election match-ups: Poll

Rep. Omar questions patriotism of American-born citizens ...

Police: Man with rifle, ‘incendiary devices’ attacked migrant center

French President booed at Bastille Day celebration

The Zoom bug that could’ve let hackers spy on video meetings tapped into people’s tech fears

The night the lights went out on Broadway ... 5 hours of darkness ...

Bernie Sanders: Pelosi being a ‘little bit’ too tough on AOC

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