Saturday, July 13, 2019

A Is for Angst

Angst — may well be the emotion that breeds much of the Trump-derangement feelings that infects our news media and, seemingly, half of the world  ... and causes instability in otherwise stable people (Mitt Romney?) President Donald Trump is unconventional to a fair-thee-well. When expected to do “A” he does  “B” and drives observers nuts. These people experience such strong anxiety over this unconventional behavior that it makes them angry. “Why can’t this man do what he is supposed to do?”

I’m certain that this quirky behavior drove his parents to pack him off to military school when he was young. Didn’t help. He thrived there (see: Washington Post Article) and this apparently set this behavior in concrete. After college he defied his father once again when he moved his family’s real estate operations to Manhattan and was a roaring success ... with some monumental setbacks .. but, in the end, he prevailed. And this told him that he should follow his gut ... which he has ever since done ... for better or worse.

We know why and who hates The Donald, So, who likes this man? For one, they must have a high tolerance for ambiguity. For two, they must believe that Trump has their best interest at heart. And for three, they must have confidence that this man can keep pulling rabbits out of his hat. His performance on the economy so far reinforces this confidence ... as does his survival of the Mueller witch-hunt. And the more the Democrats chew on this impeachment bone, the better he looks.

I can’t really say I “love” Trump, but I have bought into his agenda and admire his spunk. I believe he has shaken this country out of its winning-the-Cold-War-stupor, our anti-terrorism frenzy ... and made us realize that we were ignoring many serious problems. For this alone he deserves a marble monument. He probably won’t win all his current battles ... after all, half the world is biting at his heels. But he is likely to prevail in enough of them that Americans can wipe that big “L” off of our foreheads and get on with rebuilding our nation into what our destiny has manifested.


  1. Your unconvincing serial posts, desperate to portray a self-serving incompetent liar (whose leadership style is bullying and bombast) as a hero, indicates a veiled insecurity. You can put lipstick on a pig, but you cannot get it to fly.

  2. Manifest destiny returns. So we annex Mexico and Canada to control the North American continent. The way it was intended in 1845. That'll be great!

  3. I think in many ways we have already annexed Mexico ... or rather they, us.
