Monday, June 03, 2019

Too Clever ...

Seventeen liberal states have passed laws stating that they will cast all their Electoral College votes for the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote. I have no idea if this perversion will pass Constitutional muster, but it clearly is a reaction to Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton when he did not win the popular vote.

However, what would happen if Trump were to win the popular vote in 2020? Given the sizes of his rally crowds and the fractured nature of the Democrat primary field ... and a possible third-party candidate like Howard Schultz ... this possibility is not zero. OK, assume this does come about ... then Trump would sweep back into office with an almost unanimous Electoral College vote count ... even though he may have lost big Democrat states like New York and California ... he still would get their electoral votes.

The liberal screaming then would likely last until 2024 ... by which time most of those states that the Democrat candidate had carried but whose Electoral College votes went to Trump ... would have reversed these silly laws. No?

What’s the expression ... too clever by a half?

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