Monday, June 03, 2019


A primary reason that Joe Biden is leading in the Democrat polls ... and a possible reason he might be elected is that he offers “a return to normalcy.” This supposedly means that all the lunacy and chaos that America has supposedly experienced over the last three years will supposedly disappear and the country’s anxiety level will be substantially reduced.

Clearly there is some genius to this strategy ... if the Dems and their media can convince the American voter that this will occur.   But there are some speed bumps to be reckoned with:

One will likely be AG Barr’s investigation into the investigation. If this inquiry turns up substantial wrongdoing on the part of the Obama administration ... as I believe ... then it will become obvious that the previous presidency, although appearing “normal” on the surface, was corrupt underneath. And Biden binding himself to Obama means this might not have been such a good idea.

Also, Donald Trump can make the argument ... as he already has started doing ... that he has been cleaning up the debris from former administrations ... the last of which included Biden as a key player. He has acted as the sanitation department sweeping up the road apples left by, to name one, Obama’s parade.

And lastly, the Republicans can point out that the old normal was constructed on a foundation of globalism ... and that our country’s destiny is now nationalism. Giving up all the progress that Trump has made in this direction will be counterproductive and a loser in the long run. In other words, America cannot throw in the towel in round one of our competition with China for world hegemony.

Yes, Trump has changed the game ... a game in which we now have a chance of prevailing ... where we were sure losers under the old normal.

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