Sunday, June 30, 2019


Kamala’s attack on Biden was months in the making

Trump says he agreed with Xi to hold off on new tariffs and to let Huawei buy US products

France hottest day in history! Manure explodes in Spain

Poll: 5 in 9 likely voters oppose free health care for illegal aliens

Trump announces negotiations with China are ‘back on track’

By the numbers: Best June for Dow since 1938,  S&P 500’s best first half in two decades

Apple moves assembly of Mac Pro to China ...

DHS: Illegal migrants drop 25 percent in June amid U.S., Mexican crackdown

Trump offers to meet Kim Jong Un at Korean border

‘She owned the stage’ —  Pollster says Kamala Harris was the winner of both 2020 debate nights

Jimmy Carter says Trump is an illegitimate President

Cruz to Christian Conservatives: We are not going to let Big Tech silence us

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