Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Jiuliani likens Pelosi to Sen. Joseph McCarthy

China says its May trade surplus was $41.65 billion, significantly more than expected

Wash Post Page One Monday: NRA money flowed to board members ...

Billionaire Kochs to financially back Democrats pushing amnesty, free trade

Latino leaders sound alarms over Trump re-election in 2020

Inflation trends suggest Treasury yields will surprise the Street and won’t bottom for months

TSA lets illegals skip airport security lines ahead of citizens?

Comey email exonerated Hillary two months before her FBI interview

Senators make bipartisan push to halt arm sales to Saudi Arabia

Former Red Sox star David Ortiz shot in Dominican Republic, said to be in stable condition

News industry joins calls for increased scrutiny of Big Tech ...

The U.S. created just 75,000 jobs in May

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