Sunday, June 16, 2019

Fathers Day

It is not too hard to imagine that some time in the not-too-distant future that men will not be required to propagate our species. Science is moving at a rapid enough pace that asexual reproduction should begin to produce designer children (only females?) without the services of a male. Some primitive animals and many plants can already propagate in such a manner ... and biology is rapidly zeroing  in on how this capability can be transferred to humans ... cloning being the first example.

Also as women become more free to transition between genders, it is conceivable that they might someday be able to perform both roles in conception ... if it has not happened already. At this point men will become, as they say in England, “redundant” ... and be reduced to serving as sex slaves ... if robots do not take over this function too. The war of the sexes will then be over ... and women will have won!

So, kind reader, the “toxic male” gender might soon enough disappear altogether ... and with it Fathers Day. Wouldn’t that be a hoot! No more fraternities ... or wars ... or strip clubs ...or need for protective court orders ... or cigar smoking ... or whistling oglers at construction sites. Maybe even, no more construction sites?

The rapid rise of militant feminism and the #MeToo movement suggests to me that this Brave New World might be very welcoming of such an eventuality ... except possibly for Hallmark Cards.

Happy Fathers Day!

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