Friday, June 07, 2019

Emission Credits

Yes, our world often gets sillier every day ... but here is a doozy:

The US EPA has set overall emission gasses objectives for car manufactures’ fleets ... in order to reduce greenhouse gasses and reduce global warming. And apparently manufacturers who do better than their emissions objectives can sell their excesses (credits) to other auto makers so that they can meet theirs. Enter Tesla ... whose electric cars obviously have zero emissions ... so it has oodles of emission credits to peddle. Chrysler builds lots of big SUVs ... therefore has trouble meeting is fleet emission goals ... so it is spending hundreds of million dollars to buy them from Tesla, see: Buying Emissions Credits.

Inane? Of course! Ridiculous? Sure! Sony’s televisions also emit no greenhouse gasses, so why isn’t Sony also able to sell emission credits to car manufacturers? Or Hershey with zero emissions from its candy bars? Whoever wrote that EPA rule had to have been a blooming idiot!

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