Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Pulling off the Scab

Robert Mueller proved in his press conference today that he is still a despicable person. The primary purpose of his (shaky) words was to pull the scab off of  any public healing that has occurred after his report was released.

By innuendo and implication he hinted that there was some sort of improper cooperation between Trump and the Russians ... cowardly and shameful! And then went on to condemn Trump for obstruction of justice with these weasel words, “if we could have exonerated the president of this charge, we would have said so.” How very kind of him. It doesn’t take Noam Chomsky to translate these words as “he did it, but charging him would be against DOJ guidelines ... so it is up to you Congress.” How sneaky and snidely can you get? While he stood there consuming his cake, it was miraculously still there.

He also said in passing three other things:

1) He won’t voluntarily testify in front of Congress ... and, if subpoenaed, will not comment on anything outside the boundaries of his report. In other words, he will not answer the many embarrassing questions about when he knew there was no collusion or why he didn’t investigate how Hillary and the Democrats obviously DID collude with the Russians. He is effectively inoculating himself against taking the Fifth.

2) The special counsel’s job is over and so he is leaving the Department of Justice and his team is dissolved.

3) (By implication) if Bob Woodward is correct and someone in his office did draw up an obstruction of justice indictment, this was undone because it was unconstitutional and can only go forward as an impeachment process in Congress. Hint, hint.

From now on, this man should only be known as Snidely Mueller.

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